Very Excited.

I just registered for Library of Memories by Stacy Julian over at Big Picture Scrapbooking. I’ve only been waiting to take this class for a year now (I found out about it, oh, a week after registration ended last year).

I’m really excited to take this class as I really like Stacy’s approach to scrapbooking and, quite frankly, I’ve heard a lot of rave reviews about the class. The only unfortunate thing is that until we get the gallery for this blog fixed (please read until my husband writes a new blog interface for me) I won’t be able to post my layouts unless I start sneaking them into the images like I’m currently doing with my photos. Unfortunately, this will inevitably cause twice the amount of work in the long run so just bare with me. Right now I’d rather the boy be finishing his PhD which is this close to being done. We are completely redesigning the gallery layout, so it may just be worth the wait. ;)