Peace: Theme #4

Karin decided on Martin Luther King as a starting point for this week’s theme. Peace, freedom, and equality were mentioned as possible inspirations. I quite liked the idea of peace. We have a pair of doves that nest nearby but aren’t always around to be photographed so I headed to our local cemetery. I thought a stone angel would work, but couldn’t find the ‘one’ (or rather I did but she was so backlit I didn’t bother to take her photo). I was about to head to the cemetary across the road when I noticed her:

I love the weathering. :)

Ironically, there were works in progress at the entrance to the cemetery so it really wasn’t all that peaceful.


Cemeteries are definitely peaceful places (barring construction of course). We’ve gone to little cemeteries on our travels looking for graves of my ancestors and they are a wonderful place to be able to open your mind and listen to the voices of the past…they still seem to talk to you if you but listen. Lovely photo!

Karin · 24 January 2008, 14:15 · #