First Crocus

I was do the washing up this afternoon when I glanced out the window and notived that there was a crocus with colour. Ah… the first sign of spring… of course, we usually get our first snow just as the crocuses come out so I guess this is out first sign of winter, too. (Unless, like last year, we just skip winter altogether.)

Not as crisp as I’d like, but we had winds running between 15 and 20mph, and even a shutter speed of 1/1000 only does so much when the buds are as twitchy as a toddler on 5 cups of espresso. I just really wanted to capture it on the day I first saw it and I’m happy I did.


Such a hopeful shot! Spring is coming :)

Karin · 9 February 2008, 01:59 · #