Spinners Gathering

Spinners Gathering was a meet up hosted by the Tynedale Spinner’s, Weaver’s and Dyer’s Guild in Stocksfield where folks can meet up, sit, spin, knit, and chat. And buy. There was lots of buying going on.

Look how happy Sophie and Claire are with their lovely batts of wool.

Sophie & Claire - Spinners Gathering

There was lots of fibre:

Spinners Gathering Spinners Gathering Spinners Gathering Spinners Gathering Spinners Gathering

And lots of wheels:

Spinners Gathering Spinners Gathering Spinners Gathering Spinners Gathering Spinners Gathering

And even some spindles:

Spinning with a stick Spindle Spindling

There were many purchases made:

Spinners Gathering

But best of all, there was a lot of interaction between fibre people. We taught people how to how to spindle and how to navajo ply on the fly. Other people taught us how to spin with a stick, told us about expeditions to Fair Isle and Shetland, and told us about spinning groups where the same people have been meeting up for 30 years.

I think a great time was had by all. :)

If anybody is interested in the guild, they meet on the third Saturday of each month at a hall in Stocksfield. If you want further information, leave a comment on the post asking for specific details and I’ll see what I can do to hook you up with some people in the know.


I sat with all the fibre I’d bought in a big heap around me last night and wondered when I’m ever going to find time to spin it all before Woolfest! Never mind, as you said it was a fantastic day and we met some lovely spinners and stallholders. I’m really looking forward to the next Guild meeting…

— Sophie · 18 May 2009, 09:22 · #