Smart Cardi progress

Progress is being made on the Smart Cardi (or B19-2, if you’d like to get all technical). I’ve finished off the collar and am now ready to cut the steek. Or at least I will be ready to cut the steak as soon as I reinforce it and find some matching grosgrain ribbon.


I’m really liking how this cardi is knitting up, though if I were to do it again, I think I’d change one of the sets of yoke decreases. They fall in the first row of the colourwork and it makes it look like it puckers a bit. Which it might. I’m hoping blocking might solve this dilema, but we shall see.

As mentioned in my previous post, I modified this cardigan to be knit in the round. As a result there are no steek instructions. Also, in the original pattern, the buttonband is knit on during the construction of the body. For the collar I decided to cast off the 4 centre stitches of my 6 stitch steek, which allows for one selvage stitch on each side for when I pick up the button band. I also didn’t make the collar as long. I really don’t think that Thing 2 needs a collar up to his eyeballs, though I’m quite certain he’d enjoy chewing on it.

I even found some really cute buttons at Fandago, a lovely local little yarn shop with an amazing selection of fabulous buttons. Hopefully I’ll get to the fabric shop tomorrow to get the ribbon I need to finish off this cardi. I’m excited for the boy to wear it.


Eek, steeking! I still haven’t plucked up the courage, despite doing a class at Knit Nation.

It’s not so much the cutting that scares me, more the tidying up afterwards without making it all too bulky. One day I’ll do it!

Helen · 29 November 2011, 18:36 · #