Spinning Saturday: Studland Beach, the sequel, final chapter.

I am delighted to say that Studland Beach is off the wheel and is fabulously squooshy.

Studland Beach, take 2

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I decided to spin up my second braid of the Studland Beach (Falkland, Wildcraft, Sept 2011 club fibre) by breaking down the colours, carding them up into rolags and spinning them up longdraw into a 2ply yarn.

They are soft and lovely and total up to 348 metres of squoosh. I had to augment the off-white colour with some undyed Shetland as there just wasn’t going to be enough of that colour otherwise. These five skeins will be turned into some Fiddlehead mittens as soon as I decide what the main colour and yarn is going to be. I’m currently toying with either navy or orange. Comments and suggestions welcome.

I love the difference in how the two braids spun up:
Studland Beach, all together

This is also why I love club fibre. Each spinner has their own take and style and each braid comes out differently even though they had the same starting point. Speaking of starting points, here is the original braid.


So long Studland Beach, I look forward to revisiting you soon when I’m ready to knit.