FO: Weasley Homestead Socks

My contribution to the January SKA KAL:
Weasley Socks

A lovely, simple little pattern. That’s assuming you like knitting 2×2 rib. If you don’t, then this is not the pattern for you. I modified the pattern to my standard 4 year old size so they would fit Thing 1, and switch out the eye of partridge heel to my standard slip stitch heel. I love the look of eye of partridge, but knitting it drives me batty. The slip stitch heel has burnt itself into my knitting brain and my muscle memory gives me a hard time if I try to deviate from that.

This would make a fabulous man sock. In fact, many of Erica Lueder’s patterns would make wonderful man socks, which is great since I’m always looking for simple yet interesting sock patterns for on-the-go knitting. And I have a man. And he likes hand knit socks. It all works out. :)


Cast on: January 2nd, 2012
Cast off: February 11th, 2012 (these were designated bus knitting, and I don’t ride the bus that often)
Pattern: Weasley Homestead
Yarn: Regia 4ply in the Kaffe Fassett Design Line
Needles: 2.25mm
Mods: 48 stitch sock, used a slip stitch heel.
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