Making Progress

Yoke cardi

Do you see those DPNs? Yep, that means the body is done and I’m on to the sleeve. Okay, if you want to be really picky it’s a cast on row plus 14 stitches. However… sleeve! Again, the little white marker indicates where I was last week, which brings the body to the point where I’ll join the sleeves. I’m modelling this off my all time-favourite cardi, my Shalom (which I modified to be knit in aran and have sleeves). I wear it all the time, and I’d love another ‘perfect’ cardi.

In fact, I was even toying with the idea of casting on a new ‘at home’ project since this is such a great portable project. Or it is until I get to the yoke. I know. I’m nuts, but the call of malabrigo lace is strong. I can hear it now. And I’m at the other end of the house. And half deaf. That’s loud yarn.

I’d best continue knitting the cardi lest the men with funky white coats appear in the drive.

As a side note to Kelley (from the comments last week), the progress marker was an idea I picked up from watching video podcasts. Some of the podcasters use markers so you can see their weekly progress on larger items. Such a great idea. I think it works brilliantly to show progress in a sea of solid colour.