Feeling Blue

On the spinning wheel, that is. My wheels have sat unloved for a little while so yesterday I dove into the stash (and survived!) and pulled out a little something to brighten my mood. It’s something that I received as a Christmas gift from my friend Sophie a few years ago, and has been marinating in the stash as treasured fibre.

The fibre is from Jacqui of Spinning a Yarn in the ‘True Blue’ colourway in batt form. I love Jacqui’s batts. They are fabulous. And she no longer makes them. If she had more batts without sparkle I’d have hoarded more, but alas, she’s is has a sparkly personality and it transferred into her batts. Needless to say that these are my last SAY batts so it is kind of bittersweet to be spinning them, however, the last set of sparkly batts came out so beautifully I decided to just go for it.

True Blue Laceweight

I’m spinning them up as a 2ply laceweight on Georgie, my Kromski Symphony, at a 1:20 ratio. They are spinning up beautifully and I’m enjoying it immensely. I have 115g (ish) of fibre, and whatever the yardage, it is destined to be a shawl. Patterned to be determined once I’ve got a final yardage count, though I must admit I’m really hoping to make an Annis

I did this pattern once before, but never finished it. Funnily enough, it was out of the leftovers of my Ishbel shawl which were made of SAY batts that I spindle spun. However, I ran short of yarn and ended up frogging the project and made a cowl which I gifted to Sophie as a birthday present last year.