Finishing and starting.

I finished off a few more challenge layouts from Shimelle’s online crop last weekend.

Challenge 9 to complete a layout based on a past challenge. I chose a sketch off Shimelle’s blog.


The photo was taken a few years ago in Algonquin park and was a random leftover. I journalled about how I miss being outdoors (with examples) in rural Ontario.

Challenge 10 was to use a bold paper for the background (or part thereof… in other words, a background that makes a statement). There was a second part to the challenge which required using two photos. I missed that bit right up until I went to scan it, and snuck a second photo on at the last minute.


Photos of my kids. Journalling is about how they are both camera hogs and ham it up when I pull out the camera. The bold paper is old, but I love how it has all the same colours as my daughter’s t-shirt.

Challenge 15 was to use a rubbish photo. Whilst I was working on some of the other challenges I found this particular photo and knew this would be the one I’d use for this layout. The photo is grainy, out of focus and tinted slightly red (though not as badly as the scan depicts). I love this photo.


This is a photo of my Nan and reflects her personality perfectly. It’s one of those photos that just screams ‘that’s her’. Since is was just a general photo I decided to use it to describe about the type of person she is in terms of what she’s done in her life. She lead a very full life well into her 90s. I chose to use a quote at the bottom (something I almost never do) because I think it is extremely fitting.

Needless to say I didn’t complete all 16 challenges, however I think that 11 out of 16 isn’t bad. I did think about doing a few more, but in the end I’m happy with what I managed to accomplish.

And now to start something new…

This week I’ll be participating in Week in the Life as hosted by Ali Edwards. There is also a WITL community over at Big Picture Classes if you are interested.

The idea is to capture a single week of your life. The expected, the unexpected, the interesting, and the mundane. In essence, capture the everyday for a given week. This will be my first attempt at WITL and I haven’t quite figure out my final game plan for how I’ll bring it all together. This week (starting today), I’ll be gathering photos and words. Next week, I’ll put it all together… once I have a better sense of exactly what I have.

At least that’s the plan, if you can call it that. Right now, I’m having a hard time remembering to take the photos of the everyday (ironic, since I take so many everyday photos). I had several good opportunities today that I ended up missing due to either being rushed or simply being in the moment. I guess that’s what the journalling is for. :)