Category: Photographs

Articles in the Photographs category

Tuesday is also...

knit night down at the pub. A bunch of us get together and knit and talk and drink for a few hours. I like being able to get together with other knitters, even if we don’t talk about knitting.

The pub has some interesting features including a library in case the patrons need something to read while sipping their ales.

Wind Chimes

Quick post today… we’re celebrating the submission of Joey’s PhD. I would have taken a photo of the champagne, but we drank it all. :)

One of the trees in the park by our house is known as the chiming tree as it has about a dozen different wind chimes hanging from its branches. I’ll take a close up someday when it’s not quite so windy.


Joey loves his scotch, and living within spitting distance of Scotland means we have a pretty good selection. This bottle has been polished off and is currently waiting for me to soak off the label so I can use it in an art piece.

I was going to photograph the ingredients for a recipe I was prepping, but got distracted by the ooh… shiny.


The little miss decided that she needed to sit in her swing today, which is located in the studio. I hadn’t planned on working in the studio today (in fact I had planned to pull out the sewing machine), however, she insisted and I got an hour of work done.

It’s still a work in progress as the letters aren’t even glued down yet, but it was far more interesting a photo than the groceries or laundry I did today. ;)


I love nuts. These came in our veg box this week, so I thought I should grab a shot before I ate them all.

By the way, all the photos for Project 365 have been taken with a Canon 300D and a 50mm 1.8f lens except the photo of the Central Arcade which used a 18-55mm lens. I have several other lenses, but the 50mm prime is by far my favourite and what I consider my everyday lens.

Peace: Theme #4

Karin decided on Martin Luther King as a starting point for this week’s theme. Peace, freedom, and equality were mentioned as possible inspirations. I quite liked the idea of peace. We have a pair of doves that nest nearby but aren’t always around to be photographed so I headed to our local cemetery. I thought a stone angel would work, but couldn’t find the ‘one’ (or rather I did but she was so backlit I didn’t bother to take her photo). I was about to head to the cemetary across the road when I noticed her:

I love the weathering. :)

Ironically, there were works in progress at the entrance to the cemetery so it really wasn’t all that peaceful.

Central Arcade

The wee one and I went to town today and we snapped this photo on our meanderings. It’s the Central Arcade in Newcastle, one of my favourite interiors.

Tuesday is...

Tuesdays are generally quite busy. Since one of my goals with project 365 is to not only explore my environment but also to capture the everyday, it only makes sense to take photos of what currently is routine. One of those routines is the folding of the nappies. Every Tuesday my lovely nappy lady picks up a week’s worth of dirty nappies and gives me a bucket full of clean nappies. Can’t beat that. :)

Photos: January 21st

I love squash… especially colourful squash on a grey day.

Photos: January 20th

There was success. Exhaustion finally won out over unfamiliarity, and now that she’s slept in the cot she’s far more likely to go down without a fuss. :)

We also went for a walk in the park:

Past the Old Mill:

By the waterfall:

And said hi to the goats:

Hopefully some progress in other areas will happen this week. I’m hope to make some time with fabric and fibre, if the princess allows.