Category: Project Spectrum

Articles in the Project Spectrum category

Day 55: Thinking fire

Continuing with the Project Spectrum theme of fire, I started spinning my Valentine roving today and I really like how it is spinning up:

And it goes quite nicely with my photo of of yesterday’s sunset:

I also managed to get a photo of my first handspun… finished yesterday:

There’s only about 27 metres or so of the handspun, but I should have enough to make a pair of booties to hang in my studio. :)

Day 53: Learning Curve

My first spinning attempt:

We have a wee bit of a learning curve ahead of us, but I don’t thing it’s that bad. It’s a bit thick and thin in places, but there is a fair bit of consist sport weight spinning in there, too. Not bad for a first attempt and with roving that was bought at an embroidery shop. I figured I could have a play with some £1 merino while I wait for my ‘real’ roving and new parts for the wheel to arrive. (I’ll be very happy when the drive band ceases to fall off every 30 to 40 seconds… )

I also have some burgundy £1 roving. I figured I could try to ply the two together and see what comes of it. The further thought occurs to me that these colours will work well for the ‘fire’ theme of project spectrum so a small knitted object may be the future of this experiment. If everything goes completely pear shaped I can always felt the small knitted object. ;)

Day 52: Tiny Hands

Keeping with this week’s theme of tiny, I couldn’t resist this:

(I have mentioned I love these hands, right?)

Day 48: Grapefruit

Thought this would make a good Project Spectrum Fire photo:

Not to mention it was quite yummy, too.

On a walk...

It was a beautiful day so I took the wee one for a walk about the neighbourhood. The particular thing I wanted to photograph was no longer viable, but I caught sight of this on the way back and clicked the shutter just seconds before her highness had a complete meltdown in her buggy.

Love the colour of the fence and thought it would fit in well with the fire theme for Project Spectrum.

The day started out rather on the misty side:

It soon cleared up and we took a quick stroll around China Town for the New Year Festivities. We weren’t there long and we missed the parade, but the wee one can only take so much, besides we are both sick with colds. It was nice to get out, although I could have done without the crowds (I’m just glad we didn’t take the buggy).

The previous two photos are also part of my Project Spectrum Fire series.

One day later

Same crocus, same lens, just one day later with a less wind and a wee bit of sunshine filtering through the clouds. What a difference a day makes.

Cask Strength

I again spent most of the day tidying the house so we have another indoor shot today, but it was something that caught my eye a few weeks ago. I love the colour of the scotch and I love the lines the drapes make in the liquid.

I’m also using this as one of my entries in Project Spectrum for the element of Fire.

Red Apple

Karin’s theme for this week is red which conveniently corresponds with the start of Project Spectrum in which the theme for February and March is Fire. Suggested colours for fire were red, orange and pink. So here is an entry for both projects.

Love apples. So yummy. This one was one that made it into an apple cobbler which is even yummier. :)