Category: Project 365

Articles in the Project 365 category

February Round-up

Photos for Project 365 for February:

Day 60: Baby Girl

Although I take quite a few portrait photos I don’t often post them on this blog, but as my original photo op fell through I had to fall back to my photo session from this morning. The wee one and I do this at least once a week which has given me a lovely chronicle (can I stretch that to TIMEline?) of her life to date.


I’ll blog about the jacket she’s wearing in the photo tomorrow. ;)

Day 59: Carcassonne

A relaxing evening of take away and carcassone before Joey does his viva tomorrow. I like one of the photos, my husband likes the other… opinions?



Day 58: Rootbeer

I love rootbeer, and it’s something that isn’t easy to get in the UK. I made a special stop on the way home from town today to grab a few bottles from a shop that imports rootbeer from America.


(Have you any idea how hard it was to take a photo before busting one of these puppies open?)

Day 56: High Level Bridge uncovered

For several years they’ve been doing works on the High Level Bridge (one of seven bridges crossing the Tyne at Newcastle) but they’ve finally taken down the tarps. The bridge is Victorian and has two transit levels, the lower level for road traffic and the upper level for trains.


View from the window at knit night.

Day 56: Self portrait at tea time

Karin’s theme for the week is time. :)


Day 55: Thinking fire

Continuing with the Project Spectrum theme of fire, I started spinning my Valentine roving today and I really like how it is spinning up:

And it goes quite nicely with my photo of of yesterday’s sunset:

I also managed to get a photo of my first handspun… finished yesterday:

There’s only about 27 metres or so of the handspun, but I should have enough to make a pair of booties to hang in my studio. :)

Day 54: Rovings

I got some lovely rovings from Violet Green in the post today and I decided they’d make great photos.

Just over 200g of Bluefaced Leicester in the colourway Dusty Answer:

And just under 300g of merino pencil roving in the Valentine colourway:

The Valentine colourway will be my next spinning project and it just happens to fall nicely into the Project Spectrum theme of fire.

Day 53: Learning Curve

My first spinning attempt:

We have a wee bit of a learning curve ahead of us, but I don’t thing it’s that bad. It’s a bit thick and thin in places, but there is a fair bit of consist sport weight spinning in there, too. Not bad for a first attempt and with roving that was bought at an embroidery shop. I figured I could have a play with some £1 merino while I wait for my ‘real’ roving and new parts for the wheel to arrive. (I’ll be very happy when the drive band ceases to fall off every 30 to 40 seconds… )

I also have some burgundy £1 roving. I figured I could try to ply the two together and see what comes of it. The further thought occurs to me that these colours will work well for the ‘fire’ theme of project spectrum so a small knitted object may be the future of this experiment. If everything goes completely pear shaped I can always felt the small knitted object. ;)

Day 52: Tiny Hands

Keeping with this week’s theme of tiny, I couldn’t resist this:

(I have mentioned I love these hands, right?)