Category: Project 365

Articles in the Project 365 category

January Round-up

A saw a few others do a monthly 365 mosaic and I liked the look so I thought I’d do one myself. :)

All 31 January photos plus a few extra to fill out the grid because I’m like that. ;)


We have regular weigh-ins with the little miss. Not necessarily an interesting photo, but very much part of our lives at the moment.

A day at the aquarium

Joey and I took the wee one to the aquarium today and she absolutely loved it. Along with several dozen photos of my baby loving the fishies I also took photos of the aquarium inhabitants:

Tuesday is also...

knit night down at the pub. A bunch of us get together and knit and talk and drink for a few hours. I like being able to get together with other knitters, even if we don’t talk about knitting.

The pub has some interesting features including a library in case the patrons need something to read while sipping their ales.

Wind Chimes

Quick post today… we’re celebrating the submission of Joey’s PhD. I would have taken a photo of the champagne, but we drank it all. :)

One of the trees in the park by our house is known as the chiming tree as it has about a dozen different wind chimes hanging from its branches. I’ll take a close up someday when it’s not quite so windy.


Joey loves his scotch, and living within spitting distance of Scotland means we have a pretty good selection. This bottle has been polished off and is currently waiting for me to soak off the label so I can use it in an art piece.

I was going to photograph the ingredients for a recipe I was prepping, but got distracted by the ooh… shiny.


The little miss decided that she needed to sit in her swing today, which is located in the studio. I hadn’t planned on working in the studio today (in fact I had planned to pull out the sewing machine), however, she insisted and I got an hour of work done.

It’s still a work in progress as the letters aren’t even glued down yet, but it was far more interesting a photo than the groceries or laundry I did today. ;)


I love nuts. These came in our veg box this week, so I thought I should grab a shot before I ate them all.

By the way, all the photos for Project 365 have been taken with a Canon 300D and a 50mm 1.8f lens except the photo of the Central Arcade which used a 18-55mm lens. I have several other lenses, but the 50mm prime is by far my favourite and what I consider my everyday lens.

Peace: Theme #4

Karin decided on Martin Luther King as a starting point for this week’s theme. Peace, freedom, and equality were mentioned as possible inspirations. I quite liked the idea of peace. We have a pair of doves that nest nearby but aren’t always around to be photographed so I headed to our local cemetery. I thought a stone angel would work, but couldn’t find the ‘one’ (or rather I did but she was so backlit I didn’t bother to take her photo). I was about to head to the cemetary across the road when I noticed her:

I love the weathering. :)

Ironically, there were works in progress at the entrance to the cemetery so it really wasn’t all that peaceful.

Central Arcade

The wee one and I went to town today and we snapped this photo on our meanderings. It’s the Central Arcade in Newcastle, one of my favourite interiors.