Swans and Sunlight.

This was for the Ad Challenge on STM. I loved the ad Cari posted for the challenge, and this layout came together so quickly. Love it when that happens. :)

Sorry for the lousy photo of the layout, but the sun decided to take the day off today. We’ve been absolutely spoiled with great weather this summer, and it was common to go 4 or even 5 days without rain. I think we even went over a week without rain at one point, and for North-East England that’s not exactly normal. Well, all that rain that didn’t come this summer has decided to come now. I think I may need to build an ark. Maybe an altered ark. Hmmm, I think we may need more Modge Podge. ;)


I had exactly the same thought on Friday as I was driving through the deluge…. I need an Ark !

Sue · 22 October 2006, 13:27 · #

Fabulous layout – glad you had a great summer in England. It was OK her but I can always use more sunshine! ;o)

Anna Sigga · 22 October 2006, 16:40 · #